Medical home

The medical home,[1] also known as the patient-centered medical home (PCMH), is defined as "a health care setting that facilitates partnerships between individual patients, and their personal providers, and when appropriate, the patient’s family".[2] It is "an approach to providing comprehensive primary care for children, youth and adults".[2] The provision of medical homes may allow better access to health care, increase satisfaction with care, and improve health.[3][4][5][6]



The concept of the medical home has evolved since its introduction by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1967.[7] In 1992 that Academy published a policy statement defining a medical home, and in 2002 they expanded and operationalized the definition.[7][8][9]

In 2002, seven U.S. national family medicine organizations created the Future of Family Medicine project to "transform and renew the specialty of family medicine."[6][10] Among the recommendations of the project was that every American should have a "personal medical home" through which to receive his or her acute, chronic, and preventive services.[10] The services should be "accessible, accountable, comprehensive, integrated, patient-centered, safe, scientifically valid, and satisfying to both patients and their physicians."[10]

As of 2004, one study estimated that if the Future of Family Medicine recommendations were followed (including implementation of personal medical homes), "health care costs would likely decrease by 5.6%, resulting in national savings of 67 billion dollars per year, with an improvement in the quality of the health care provided."[11] A review of the literature published the same year determined that medical homes are "associated with better health, ... with lower overall costs of care and with reductions in disparities in health."[12]

By 2005, the American College of Physicians had developed an "advanced medical home" model.[6][13] The model involved the use of evidence-based medicine, clinical decision support tools, the Chronic Care Model, medical care plans, "enhanced and convenient" access to care, quantitative indicators of quality, health information technology, and feedback on performance.[13] Payment reform was recognized as important to implement the model.[14]

IBM and other organizations started the Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative in 2006 to promote the medical home model.[15][16] As of 2009, its membership included "some 500 large employers, insurers, consumer groups, and doctors."[16]

In 2007, the American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Physicians, and American Osteopathic Association — the largest primary care physician organizations in the United States — released the Joint Principles of the Patient-Centered Medical Home.[2] The principles listed were:

A survey of 3,535 U.S. adults released in 2007 found that 27% of the respondents reported having "four indicators of a medical home."[17] Furthermore, having a medical home was associated with better access to care, more preventive screenings, higher quality of care, and fewer racial and ethnic disparities.[17]

Important 2008–2010 developments concerning medical homes included:

Scientific evidence

Recent peer-reviewed literature that examines the prevalence and effectiveness of medical homes includes:

International comparisons

In a study of 10 countries, the authors wrote that in most of the countries "health promotion is usually separate from acute care, so the notion[] of a... medical home as conceptualized in the United States... does not exist."[33] Nevertheless, the seven-country study of Schoen et al. found that the prevalence of medical homes was highest in New Zealand (61%) and lowest in Germany (45%).[4]


Comparison with “gatekeeper” models

Some suggest that the medical home mimics the managed care “gatekeeper” models historically employed by HMOs; however, there are important distinctions between care coordination in the medical home and the “gatekeeper” model.[16][34] In the medical home, the patient has open access to see whatever physician they choose. No referral or permission is required. The personal physician of choice, who has comprehensive knowledge of the patient’s medical conditions, facilitates and provides information to subspecialists involved in the care of the patient. The gatekeeper model placed more financial risk on the physicians resulting in rewards for less care. The medical home puts emphasis on medical management rewarding quality patient-centered care.

Organizations criticizing the model

The medical home model has its critics, including the following major organizations:

Ongoing medical home projects

One notable implementation of medical homes has been Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC), which was started under the name "Carolina Access" in the early 1990s.[39] CCNC consists of 14 community health networks that link approximately 750,000 Medicaid patients to medical homes.[40] It is funded by North Carolina's Medicaid office, which pays $3 per member per month to networks and $2.50 per member per month to physicians.[40] CCNC is reported to have improved healthcare for patients with asthma and diabetes.[40] Non-peer-reviewed analyses cited in a peer-reviewed article suggested that CCNC saved North Carolina $60 million in fiscal year 2003 and $161 million in fiscal year 2006.[40][41][42] However, an independent analysis asserted that CCNC cost the state over $400 million in 2006 instead of producing savings.[43]

The Rhode Island Chronic Care Sustainability Initiative (CSI-RI) is a community-wide collaborative effort convened in 2006 by the Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner to develop a sustainable model of primary care that will improve the care of chronic disease and lead to better overall health outcomes for Rhode Islanders.[44][45] CSI-RI is focused on improving the delivery of chronic illness care and supporting and sustaining primary care in the state of Rhode Island through the development and implementation of the patient-centered medical home. The CSI-RI Medical Home demonstration officially launched in October 2008 with 5 primary care practices and was expanded in April 2010 to include an additional 8 sites.[44][46] Thirteen primary care sites, 66 providers, 39 Family Medicine residents, 68,000 patients (46,000 covered lives), and all Rhode Island payers are participating in the demonstration. Further, its selection to participate in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' Multi-Payer Advanced Primary Care Practice demonstration, CSI-RI is one few medical home demonstrations in the nation with virtually 100% payer participation. Since the start of the demonstration, CSI-RI sites have implemented a series of delivery system reforms in their practices, aimed at becoming patient-centered medical homes, and in turn receive a supplemental per-member-per-month payment from all of Rhode Island's insurers. Each participating practice site also receives funding from participating payers for an on-site nurse care manager, who can work with all patients in the practice, regardless of insurance type or status. All 5 original pilot sites achieved NCQA level 1 PPC-PCMH recognition in 2009, and all 8 expansion sites achieved at least level 1 PPC-PCMH recognition in 2010. As of December 2010, all of the pilot sites and two of the expansion sites have been recognized by NCQA as level 3 patient-centered medical homes.

Projects evaluating medical home concepts

As of December 31, 2009, there were at least 26 pilot projects involving medical homes with external payment reform being conducted in 18 states.[47] These pilots included over 14,000 physicians caring for nearly 5 million patients.[47] The projects are evaluating factors such as clinical quality, cost, patient experience/satisfaction, and provider experience/satisfaction.[48] Some of the projects underway are:

See also


  1. ^ What is a Patient Centered Medical Home? An overview to Patient Centered Medical Homes for patients from the Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative (PCPCC). (primary source)
  2. ^ a b c American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American College of Physicians, and American Osteopathic Association. (2007 Mar). "Joint principles of the patient-centered medical home". Retrieved 2009-06-30. 
  3. ^ a b Allred NJ, Wooten KG, Kong Y (February 2007). "The association of health insurance and continuous primary care in the medical home on vaccination coverage for 19- to 35-month-old children". Pediatrics 119 Suppl 1: S4–11. doi:10.1542/peds.2006-2089C. PMID 17272584. 
  4. ^ a b c d Schoen C, Osborn R, Doty MM, Bishop M, Peugh J, Murukutla N (2007). "Toward higher-performance health systems: adults' health care experiences in seven countries, 2007". Health Affairs 26 (6): w717–34. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.26.6.w717. PMID 17978360. 
  5. ^ a b Homer CJ, Klatka K, Romm D et al. (October 2008). "A review of the evidence for the medical home for children with special health care needs". Pediatrics 122 (4): e922–37. doi:10.1542/peds.2007-3762. PMID 18829788. 
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  7. ^ a b Sia C, Tonniges TF, Osterhus E, Taba S (May 2004). "History of the medical home concept". Pediatrics 113 (5 Suppl): 1473–8. PMID 15121914. 
  8. ^ Ad Hoc Task Force on Definition of the Medical Home (November 1992). "American Academy of Pediatrics Ad Hoc Task Force on Definition of the Medical Home: The medical home". Pediatrics 90 (5): 774. PMID 1408554. 
  9. ^ Medical Home Initiatives for Children With Special Needs Project Advisory Committee. American Academy of Pediatrics (July 2002). "The medical home". Pediatrics 110 (1 Pt 1): 184–6. doi:10.1542/peds.110.1.184. PMID 12093969. 
  10. ^ a b c Martin JC, Avant RF, Bowman MA et al. (2004). "The Future of Family Medicine: A Collaborative Project of the Family Medicine Community". Annals of Family Medicine 2 Suppl 1 (Suppl 1): S3–32. doi:10.1370/afm.130. PMC 1466763. PMID 15080220. 
  11. ^ Spann SJ; Task Force 6 and the Executive Editorial Team (December 2004). "Task Force Report 6. Report on Financing the New Model of Family Medicine". Annals of Family Medicine 2 Suppl 3 (Suppl 3): S1–21. doi:10.1370/afm.237. PMC 1466777. PMID 15654084. 
  12. ^ Starfield B, Shi L (May 2004). "The medical home, access to care, and insurance: a review of evidence". Pediatrics 113 (5 Suppl): 1493–8. PMID 15121917. 
  13. ^ a b Barr M, Ginsburg J (2005). The advanced medical home: a patient-centered, physician-guided model of health care. A policy monograph of the American College of Physicians. American College of Physicians. Retrieved 2009 Jul 8. 
  14. ^ Goroll AH, Berenson RA, Schoenbaum SC, Gardner LB (March 2007). "Fundamental Reform of Payment for Adult Primary Care: Comprehensive Payment for Comprehensive Care". Journal of General Internal Medicine 22 (3): 410–5. doi:10.1007/s11606-006-0083-2. PMC 1824766. PMID 17356977. 
  15. ^ a b Backer LA (2009). "Building the case for the patient-centered medical home". Family Practice Management 16 (1): 14–8. PMID 19186734. 
  16. ^ a b c d Arnst C (2009-06-25). "The family doctor: a remedy for health-care costs?". BusinessWeek. Retrieved 2009-07-11. 
  17. ^ a b Beal AC, Doty MM, Hernandez SE, Shea KK, Davis K (2007 Jun). "Closing the divide: how medical homes promote equity in health care. Results from The Commonwealth Fund 2006 Health Care Quality Survey". New York: The Commonwealth Fund. Retrieved 2009-07-14. 
  18. ^ "Medical Home Accreditation". Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Health Care. Retrieved 2010 March 30. 
  19. ^ National Committee for Quality Assurance. "Physician Practice Connections–Patient-Centered Medical Home (PPC-PCMH)". Retrieved 2009 Jul 14. 
  20. ^ a b "Obama responds to American Academy of Family Physicians.". 2008-07-15. Retrieved 2009-07-11. 
  21. ^ Fisher ES (September 2008). "Building a Medical Neighborhood for the Medical Home". The New England Journal of Medicine 359 (12): 1202–5. doi:10.1056/NEJMp0806233. PMC 2729192. PMID 18799556. 
  22. ^ Ginsburg PB, Maxfield M, O'Malley AS, Peikes D, Pham HH (2008 Dec). "Making medical homes work: moving from concept to practice". Policy Perspective (Washington, DC: Center for Studying Health System Change) 1: 1–20. Retrieved 2009-07-10. 
  23. ^ Trapp D (2008-12-01). "AMA meeting: delegates back medical home, want pay issues resolved". Am Med News. Retrieved 2009-07-11. 
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  25. ^ "Principles for patient- and family-centered care. The medical home from the consumer perspective". 2009-03-30. Retrieved 2009-07-10. 
  26. ^ a b Nutting PA, Miller WL, Crabtree BF, Jaen CR, Stewart EE, Stange KC (2009). "Initial Lessons From the First National Demonstration Project on Practice Transformation to a Patient-Centered Medical Home". Annals of Family Medicine 7 (3): 254–60. doi:10.1370/afm.1002. PMC 2682981. PMID 19433844. 
  27. ^ Porter S (2009-05-13). "TransforMED evaluators detail initial lessons from demo project. Massive practice change harder than expected.". AAFP News Now. Retrieved 2009-07-13. 
  28. ^ a b Rittenhouse DR, Shortell SM (May 2009). "The patient-centered medical home: will it stand the test of health reform?". J Am Med Assoc 301 (19): 2038–40. doi:10.1001/jama.2009.691. PMID 19454643. 
  29. ^ Bates D, Bitton A (April 2010). "The future of health information technology in the patient-centered medical home". Health Affairs 29 (4): 614–21. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2010.0007. PMID 20368590. 
  30. ^ NCQA PCMH 2011 Standards
  31. ^ Strickland BB, Singh GK, Kogan MD, Mann MY, van Dyck PC, Newacheck PW (June 2009). "Access to the medical home: new findings from the 2005-2006 National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs". Pediatrics 123 (6): e996–1004. doi:10.1542/peds.2008-2504. PMID 19482751. 
  32. ^ Reid RJ, Coleman K, Johnson EA et al. (May 2010). "The group health medical home at year two: cost savings, higher patient satisfaction, and less burnout for providers". Health Affairs 29 (5): 835–43. doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2010.0158. PMID 20439869. 
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  34. ^ Brody JE (2009-06-23). "Personal health; a personal, coordinated approach to care". New York Times. Retrieved 2009-07-12. 
  35. ^ "Patient-centered medical home model position statement". American College of Emergency Physicians. 2008-08-13. Retrieved 2009-07-12.  (primary source)
  36. ^ "Patient-centered medical home - where does optometry fit in?". American Optometric Association. Retrieved 2009 Jul 12.  (primary source)
  37. ^ "Eye and vision care in the patient-centered medical home". American Optometric Association. 2008-01-17. Retrieved 2009-07-12.  (primary source)
  38. ^ "Health care reform: Congress should ensure that psychologists' services are key in primary care initiatives". American Psychological Association Practice Association. 2009 Feb. Retrieved 2009-07-12.  (primary source)
  39. ^ Willson CF (2005). "Community care of North Carolina: saving state money and improving patient care". NCMJ 66 (3): 229–33. PMID 16130951. 
  40. ^ a b c d Steiner BD, Denham AC, Ashkin E, Newton WP, Wroth T, Dobson LA (2008). "Community Care of North Carolina: Improving Care Through Community Health Networks". Annals of Family Medicine 6 (4): 361–7. doi:10.1370/afm.866. PMC 2478510. PMID 18626037. 
  41. ^ Lodh M, Mercer Government Human Services Consulting (2004-06-25). "ACCESS cost savings -- state fiscal year 2003 analysis (letter to Mr. Jeffrey Simms, Division of Medical Assistance, State of North Carolina)". Retrieved 2009-07-09. 
  42. ^ Lurito K, Mercer Government Human Services Consulting (2007-09-19). "CCNC/ACCESS cost savings -- state fiscal year 2005 and 2006 analysis (letter to Mr. Jeffrey Simms, Division of Medical Assistance, State of North Carolina)". Retrieved 2009-07-09. 
  43. ^ "Mercer’s Community Care of North Carolina savings claims called "not plausible"" (Press release). Disease Management Purchasing Consortium International. 2009-07-07. Retrieved 2009-07-09. 
  44. ^ a b
  45. ^
  46. ^
  47. ^ a b Bitton A, Martin C, Landon BE (June 2010). "A Nationwide Survey of Patient Centered Medical Home Demonstration Projects". Journal of General Internal Medicine 25 (6): 584–92. doi:10.1007/s11606-010-1262-8. PMC 2869409. PMID 20467907. 
  48. ^ "Patient-centered medical home. Building evidence and momentum. A compilation of PCMH pilot and demonstration projects". Washington, DC: Patient-Centered Primary Care Collaborative. 2008. Retrieved 2009 Jul 15. 
  49. ^ a b c "Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006, Pub. L. 109-432.". Retrieved 2009 Jul 13. 
  50. ^ Silva C (2009-07-06). "Medical homesteading: moving forward with care coordination". American Medical News. Retrieved 2009-07-14. 
  51. ^ "CIGNA and Dartmouth-Hitchcock launch 'patient-centered medical home' program to provide better care coordination" (Press release). 2008-06-10. Retrieved 2009-07-14. 
  52. ^ Abelson R (2009-02-06). "UnitedHealth and I.B.M. test health care plan". New York Times. Retrieved 2009-07-14. 
  53. ^ Stone M. (2009-07-09). "Primary care in Maine to get boost". Morning Sentinel (Waterville, Maine). Retrieved 2009-07-15. 

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